Tuesday, June 14, 2022

CrossFit Upcountry Maui – CrossFit

Power clean

A. Group warmup

B. Power clean

Take 15 mins to build to a challenging triple

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

C. 4:00 AMRAP

5 power cleans (135/95)

10 box jumpovers (24/20)

15 strict sit-ups

Rest 2:00

C. 4:00 AMRAP

5 power cleans (155/115)

10 box jumpovers

15 strict sit-ups

Rest 2:00

C. 4:00 AMRAP

5 power cleans (185/135)

10 box jumpovers

15 strict sit-ups

Rest 2:00

Pick up each round where you left off